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OCCACC Membership Benefits

Members of OCCACC will enjoy the following benefits

  1. Opportunity to participate: rights to vote and to be elected as leaders to represent our members.
  2. Opportunity to participate in all our events: Annual Banquets, Mixers, Scholarship Event, travel / recreational and other cross cultural events organized by affiliates.
  3. You may take the advantage to subscribe advertisements to promote your business on all major event program books, newsletters published periodically, and you may subscribe banner on our website and be linked to your own site at a discounted rate.
  4. You will be listed on the updated membership directory. You will also receive discounted rate for advertisement on the events sponsored or co-sponsored by OCCACC.
  5. As a Corporate Life member, you have the opportunity to sponsor one of our membership mixers and be the sole business highlight for the event.
  6. As a Corporate Life member, you will receive an ad on our major event program book free of charge.
  7. As a Corporate Life member, you also will receive a free listing and banner on our website

本會會費係自每年繳交,個人會員每年$500元, 永遠個人會員$1500元, 公司會員(Corporate Premium Member)每年$1500元, 永遠公司會員(Corporate Lifetime Member)$5000元。會費包含全年定期會員座談會的費用。請詳細填寫一份會員資料表,支票抬頭寫OCCACC,請將會員資料表連同會費支票一併寄到本會,地址為:

14271 Jeffrey Rd. #180
Irvine, CA 92620

同時如果您的連絡資料有所變更,請隨時將資料寄到本會,以便利更正編列會員名冊。 我們竭誠歡迎您來加入橙縣華人商會,共同為華商的繁榮,會員的福祉而努力,以期提昇華商的社會、經濟及政治的地位。 本會定期舉辦各種活動及會員聯誼座談會,以提供會員間之交流聯誼,互通有無,以期為您創造更多商業的契機。 會員享有下列的權益: 凡依本會之規定繳交會費之會員者,一律享有下列的權益:

  1. 依據會章之規定享有選舉權與被選舉權。
  2. 參與本會舉辦的各種活動,包括:本會年會、定期的會員聯誼座談會、會員大會、獎學金頒獎大會、旅遊及康樂、以及跨社團聯合主辦之各項活動。
  3. 本會舉辦的各項活動以及商務資訊均會載入本會網站(,供各位查詢。會員並可利用會員通訊以及各項大型活動的節目單刊物上刊登贊助廣告,以助會員推廣商務。會員亦可在本會網站刊登廣告,並且可經點擊轉入會員自設之網站。
  4. 本會會員名冊將於每年年中編列完畢後印在各項大型活動的節目手冊,免費寄發給繳費之會員,以便利會員彼此之聯繫及互相推荐商機之用。
  5. 享受本會釐訂之各項活動的優待。
  6. 公司會員(Corporate Life Member)每年可享受下列之權益:
  7. 以該公司之名義贊助本會之會員聯誼會,
  8. 享受本會大型活動的節目手冊之免費廣告,以及免費載入本會網站(。

Our Location

Orange County Chinese-American Chamber of Commerce 橙縣華人商會 14271 Jeffrey Rd. #180
Irvine, CA 92620 U.S.A.